June 20th, 2023

A bit more Magic hyperfixation today, though that's now mostly calmed down. Honestly a very nothing day, I was tired for a decent amount of it. I cleared out some old emails (almost all just notifications) but that didn't really put a dent in the data they take up, though since I'm not close to the data cap it's not really an issue. I just don't think I need to save about 1.5GB of emails.

I did prep all the cards I sold for packaging. Just using PWE. I'm out of international stamps and they apparently didn't have any at the post office (tbh I genuinely just assumed I was the only person who even bought them), but they should be in stock tomorrow. Other than that, the only productive thing I remember doing today was writing that ramble. I should really apply to more jobs and practice some coding stuff. Should maybe try to build a portfolio.

I haven't even touched The Finals even though the closed beta is ending tomorrow. Just never had the drive/energy/desire to play it (outside of obligation, which I'm not gonna humor for playing a damn video game). Oh well, it's not like it's never gonna come out.